- INV176CDCD £10.00X
Digi-pack CD.
- INV176LPLong Player £28.00X
Half red half blue coloured vinyl, and housed in a thick 425 gram heavyweight gatefold sleeve. A printed insert is included which features additional artwork and credits..
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
Stranger Things Season 1, Volume 1
The spellbinding, synth-heavy soundtrack to Netflix's 1980s-set smash hit horror 'Stranger Things'. With its pillowy synth-pads and rich textures, the soundtrack to volume 1 seamlessly wanders through the 80s world of 'Stranger Things', breeding an unthreatening serenity with a gentle shift toward a darker mood. By track 11, listeners are plunged into a nightmare before they even have time to blink; a change pulled of with uncanny grace. The score effectively taps into a unique, strange world of terror, and springs it upon the audience with considered precision. This soundtrack is instantly reminiscent of works by John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing), Tangerine Dream and Vangelis (Blade Runner), whilst also delving into the ambience of Aphex Twin and more modern composers such as Cliff Martinez (Drive, Solaris).
1. Stranger Things
2. Kids
3. Nancy and Barb
4. This Isn't You
5. Lay - Z
6. Friendship
7. Eleven
8. A Kiss
9. Castle Byers
10. Hawkins
11. The Upside Down
12. After Sarah
13. One Blink For Yes
14. Photos In The Woods
15. Fresh Blood
16. Lamps
17. Hallucinations
18. Hanging The Lights
19. Biking To School
20. Are You Sure
21. Agents
22. Papa
23. Cops Are Good At Finding
24. No Weapons
25. Walking Through The Upside Down
26. She'll Kill You
27. Run Away
28. No Autopsy
29. Dispatch
30. Joyce and Lonnie Fighting
31. Lights Out
32. Hazmat Suits
33. Theoretically
34. You Can Talk To Me
35. What Else Is There To Do
36. Hawkins Lab