- DC655CDCD £12.00Expected 16th June 2017
- DC665Long Player £18.00Expected 16th June 2017
Introducing The Crimsmen
Attention! The Peacers now present: Introducing the Crimsmen! Escalating from a disembodied voice to slowly mounting full-band hypnosis, this is a trip into the goldenrod days of fandom, a dimension where a t-shirt could change your life. Since their first LP in the summer 2015, The Peacers have been gigging in SF and around, collecting tunes for this divinely awaited moment: Introducing the Crimsmen. Lurching back into life, with buzz and hum alight and colours flashing, is the name, but the instigators of the sound are almost a whole other bunch (Mike Donovan, Shayde Sartin, Mike Shoun and Bo Moore)! Which is good - who do you trust with a treat to jam in your ears more than new/old friends capable of tapping good old sounds? Nobody but The Peacers, that's who. The Peacers got a hand into a variety of rock and roll baked goods, Whether gentle psych, basement throb, keening Time of the Season nocturne or ground-glass soundscape, it's all bubblegum boiled in a pot, scripted up with stinging street smart, zoloftnagenic reverie and a wink and a chill grin. Sing along to the shimmer of the first single, Jurgen's Layout - which finds hidden time and bits of things they brought in from other places that are all set in a relaxed array that only The Peacers are inclined to offer you!