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Records of the Week : Week Beginning 21st March

Records of the Month

Gainsbourg : An Icon

Great Indie Albums @ £3, £5 & £7

Independent Cinema


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Full Time Hobby

Erland & The Carnival


London-based psych-folk trio, Erland & The Carnival, are set to follow their eponymous début, released earlier this year, with a second album titled ‘Nightingale’

The album was recorded deep in a ship moored at Embankment on the river Thames, which lead to a very surreal recording experience, “You could hear sounds in the hull when we were mixing the record,” says drummer David Nock. “You’d get home and play it again and realise that something was missing, so we had to set up contact mics all around the ship to capture its unique sounds.”

The artwork, which you can see above, is a documentary photo of the Enfield poltergeist at work in the late ‘70s, it depicts young Janet Hodgson being thrown across her bedroom by the much-debated dark spirit. “I remember seeing the shot in a book when I was a kid and it always stuck with me,” says guitarist Simon Tong, ex of The Verve and The Good, The Bad & The Queen, and Gorillaz. “It influenced the music because we’re trying to create a soundtrack to an imaginary horror film about the supernatural.”

*** The band will be playing live in our Bristol shop on 9th March @ 6pm***

  • 1 — So Tired In The Morning
  • 2 — Map Of An Englishman
  • 3 — Emmeline
  • 4 — I'm Not Really Here
  • 5 — I Wish I Wish
  • 6 — This Night
  • 7 — Nightingale
  • 8 — East And West
  • 9 — Springtime
  • 10 — Wealldie
  • 11 — Dream Of The Road
  • 12 — The Trees They Grow So High
  • 13 — Nothing Can Remain
Released Soon