The Wave Pictures
Long Black Cars / Beer In The Breakers
Disc: 1
1. Blue Harbour
2. Now Your Smile Comes Over in Your Voice
3. Little Surprise
4. Blink Back a Tear
5. Walk the Back Stairs Quiet
6. China Whale Brand
7. I Walked Past Them Sleeping
8. The Worm Inside the Brain
9. Pale Thin Lips
10. In Her Kitchen
11. Beer In The Breakers
12. Two Lemons, One Lime
13. Rain Down
14. Epping Forest
Disc: 2
1. Stay Here and Take Care of the Chickens
2. Eskimo Kiss
3. Never Go Home Again
4. My Head Gets Screwed On Tighter Every Year
5. Cut Them Down in the Passes
6. Hoops
7. Spaghetti
8. Give Me a Second Chance
9. The West Country
10. Come Home Tessa Buckman
11. Seagulls
12. Long Black Cars
13. Stay This Way a Little While