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Max Richter
From Sleep
from SLEEP is a 1h version of the new digital 8h landmark recording SLEEP by acclaimed British composer Max Richter. SLEEP is an eight hour exploration of music, consciousness and human connectivity – and is actually intended to send the listener to sleep. SLEEP is played on piano, strings, with subtle electronic touches and vocals – but no words. “It’s my personal lullaby for a frenetic world. A manifesto for a slower pace of existence. I want people to start playing it while they are getting ready for bed, so that they hear it in their sleep.” – Max Richter
1. Dream 3 (in the midst of my life)
2. Path 5 (delta)
3. Space 11 (invisible pages over)
4. Dream 13 (minus even)
5. Space 21 (petrichor)
6. Path 19 (yet frailest)
7. Dream 8 (late and soon)