- 9781856699044Magazines + Books £10.00
Technically not a book, but I had to include it in my books of the month! If you're a fan of the 'Moleskine' sketchbook, then this is for you. Comprising of plain and graph paper, with a coated texture and an off-white tone, this sketchbook is aesthetically very pleasing! With added pages that have mannequins on, this sketchbook is clearly aimed at the budding fashion designer. But personally it's perfect size (a little over A5) and it's non pretentious look make it perfect for anyone.
Here's what they had to say about themselves -
'Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. This new line addresses the needs of contemporary practitioners: illustrators, designers, art directors, fashion designers, filmmakers and anyone within the visual arts. Helpful and use friendly these sketchbooks tread the fine line between giving users practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials.'