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Cancer Bats
Searching For Zero
Multiple JUNOnominated hardcorepunkmetal outfit Cancer Bats release their highly anticipated fifth studio album 'Searching For Zero' on their own imprint Noise Church Records via BMG Chrysalis Produced by legendary multiPlatinum producer Ross Robinson At The DriveIn Slipknot The Cure Sepultura glassjaw 'Searching For Zero' is the most melodic yet menacing Cancer Bats release so far The choruses are hookier the screams more savage the riffs more vicious the songs more powerful This is Cancer Bats at their pinnacle
1. Satellites
2. True Zero
3. Arsenic in the Year of the Snake
4. Beelzebub
5. Devil's Blood
6. Cursed With a Conscience
7. All Hail
8. Buds
9. Dusted
10. No More Bullshit