- ZIQ088Long Player £10.00X
Double Vinyl
Venetian Snares
Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding
Record Store Day 2015 Release Venetian Snares' classic 2004 album reissued for the first time on vinyl for Record Store Day 2015 Limited edition 300 on red vinyl 'Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding' is all fizzing hyperspeed percussion moving over and under onefinger toystore melodies stop start rhythms sudden switchbacks and shifting layers of musical percussive activity Every sound appears to contain a toxic quota of synthetic additives frequently to the exclusion of anything else 'Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding' inhabits an entirely synthetic world one that's made of numbered polymers rather than atoms Despite the titles this music isn't allusive it is selfcontained seemingly selfperpetuating like a series of virtual mechanisms elegant scifi constructions the musical envisioning of shifting nanotechnological gears There's something madscientist harebrained baroque about it 'Huge Chrome Cylinder Box Unfolding' is a hypertrophied soundgarden overgrown with dayglo plastic plants twitching towards miscellaneous light sources in photosynthetic spasm their roots a writhing and constantly reconfiguring chaos Its title is reminiscent of Duchamp's Nude Descending A Staircase