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The Ramones
the ramones' selftitled debut is a justifiably adored album not just one of the best albums to come out of the initial new york punk explosion of the mid'70s but one of the greatest rock and roll albums of all time ramones is one of those rare records where there is not a single weak or outofplace song change ups like the bubblegummy nearballad 'i wanna be your boyfriend' and the uncharacteristically harsh '53rd and 3rd' an unsentimental song about dee dee ramone's days as a teenage hustler vary the album's sound and mood more than its detractors and even some of its fans maintain the 2001 reissue adds eight bonus tracks most are culled from early demos including two songs 'i can't be' and 'i don't wanna be learnedi don't wanna be tamed' that were never officially recorded and two others 'you should never have opened that door' and 'i don't care' which eventually appeared on their second and third albums respectively none of the demos are particularly different from the final recordings but interestingly they tend to be a little slower and poppiersounding the cleanersounding more trebly single mix of 'blitzkrieg bop' closes the package