- CAK067Long Player £17.00
Dan Deacon
Silly Hat Vs Egale Hat
The crowd pleaser! The winner of fans and prizes! Highest seller and biggest titdick! A world of a wolf-sun and a father daughter. Begin: this CD opens up with the megaforce 'My Name Is Robert' (2001), a nice little ditty of samples and synthesis. We roar through this monster and then we reach 'ksjfhgljkhertykjlehgskjhkjvhda,' the plunderphonic sound collage and the score to choreographers Selfic Ng's dance piece “The Unwanted Children.” Next to on to ‘Sound Events’ for 12 piece mixed ensemble. This 20-minute guy is an experiment in composition density and the interaction between musicians and non-musicians in improvisational settings. After that is ‘Shit Slowly Applied to Cock Parts’ one of my first compositions using the program Reason, it’s a bottle of piss under my sink that Connor hates so much but I like. Down the line we come to ‘The House I Was Isn’t My Girl Friend Porsche’ and ‘Missy Model x 1000’ both pieces composed using Sound Forge and Fruity Loops. ‘The House I Was…” was originally released on the one copy pressing of “CHRISTMAS CD FOR GIRLFRIEND.” The CD is currently out of print. ‘Spring’ is a granular synthesis piece composed in late 2000. After spring we have ‘I Will Always have Juice Today’ a very tonal and melodically focused piece for Reason. Blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit. ‘Glass and Metal’ is a sound collage I did in high school and ‘It’s Not As It’s Going Downtown’ is my guitar and voice board being cars. ‘Junior High Band with Trucks & Dogs’ is just that and ‘4400440044040 with Dufus and The Beatles is another plunderphonic piece with synthesis.
1. My Name Is Robert
2. ksjfhgljkhertykjlehgskjhkjvhda
3. Sound Events (Live)
4. Shit Slowly Applied On Cock Parts
5. The House I Was Isn't My Girlfriends Porshe
6. Missy Modle x 1000
7. Spring
8. I Will Always Have Juice Today
9. Glass and Metal
10. It's Not As It's Going Downtown
11. Junior High Band With Trucks and Dogs
12. 4400440044040 with Dufus and The Beatles