Arcane Roots
Blood & Chemistry
This outstanding debut follows on from last year’s reissue of their much lauded mini-album ‘left fire’. It’s hard to fully describe ‘blood & chemistry’ without doing it a huge injustice. Over its 10 tracks (plus 2 ‘hidden’ tracks), it has vital and vibrant rock with huge ambition (‘tripych’, ‘what keeps me here’), progressive and heavy hardcore with touches and brushes of genius (‘energy’, ‘second breath’), stadium ready singalong anthems in the making (‘belief’, ‘slow’, ‘resolve’), and slow, acoustic moments of clarity and beauty (‘held like kites’). Within all of these songs, and the rest of the tracks that make up ‘blood & chemistry’, the listener will pick up even more new, compelling and surprising elements upon each play. Produced by dan austin (known for his work with pure love, doves, pulled apart by horses).
1. energy is never lost, just redirected
2. resolve
3. belief
4. sacred shapes
5. hell and high water
6. triptych
7. slow
8. second breath
9. held like kites
10. you keep me here