- NW6316CD £10.00
- NW5121Long Player £18.00
Buddy Miller & Friends
Cayamo Sessions At Sea
Between busy touring schedules and time spent creating and recording songs, artists rarely get the opportunity to spend time with other musicians they admire and respect. Occasionally, they bump into each other in hotel lobbies, backstage dressing rooms, or airport terminals; usually no more than a hurried conversation passes, perhaps a quick meal together, a wave and a nod then everyone is off to the next gig. Ships that pass in the night. For one week each year, this changes. Musicians and music fans board a cruise ship together, escape the winter cold, and sail away for a musical adventure called Cayamo. Once-in-a-lifetime collaborations begin the minute the ship leaves port. From bow to stern, port to starboard, on top deck and down below, around every corner and in every venue you'll find musicians who might never otherwise have a chance to meet teaming up to play old favorite tunes or even create new ones. In 2012, Cayamo veteran Buddy Miller decided to try to capture a few of these special moments. He brought along some recording gear and set up a studio in the ship's library where he and co-host Jim Lauderdale recorded episodes for their SiriusXM Outlaw Country Buddy & Jim Radio Show. Their debut episode with Lucinda Williams was recorded there. Buddy thought the radio show recordings sounded really good so, in 2014, he brought more gear, an engineer and some great musicians. Sixthman let him take over the Bliss Lounge where he set up a temporary recording studio between the lanes of the bowling alley. For two days and nights, guest artists came to record and fans came to watch. It was so much fun, they did it all again in 2015 For those fortunate enough to have experienced Cayamo, these tracks might bring back fond memories. For those yet to sail, consider these recordings a vacation postcard from Buddy Miller and his talented friends and a musical snapshot of their journey through