Warm Soda
I Dont Wanna Grow Up
Within seconds of dropping the needle on I Don't Wanna Grow Up one gets the feeling of being in good hands: an AP course in power-pop, delivered by Matthew Melton, with the confidence and consistency of your favorite late night diner. Familiarity works as a curious device this is directly in Melton's wheelhouse, no sonic surprises whatsoever, yet somehow these odes to teenage love and heartache are brand new, catchy and vital. His twists and turns utilizing the same tools are astounding in their continued freshness. That this is the final Warm Soda record (in anticipation of his new band Dream Machine's debut, also forthcoming on Castle Face Records) seems logical when you consider the way he's re-written the same vibe into four excellent records of catchy pop. A lesser talent would have given up after two records, tops Melton's commitment to the platonic ideal of power pop again bears fruit, and perhaps this one is the best yet? Mix tape makers of the world, take note: if you leave this album out of your next amorous transmission, you're f**king up.
1. Young In Your Heart
2. I Don't Wanna Grow Up
3. Tell Me In A Whisper
4. To Be With Ramona
5. Don't Stop Now
6. Game Of Undefined Love
7. Don't Leave Me For Another Guy
8. Run Away With Me
9. Gumdrop
10. Tell Me Your Story
11. This Changes Everything
12. Angel Of Love