- 9780099512059Magazines + Books £3.00
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Jonathan Swift
Gulliver's Travels
'Fifteen hundred of the Emperor's largest horses, each about four inches and an half high, were employed to draw me towards the Metropolis, which, as I said, was half a Mile distant.'
Shipwrecked and adrift, Lemuel Gulliver wakes on Lilliput, an island inhabited by tiny people whose height renders their political quarrels ridiculous. His subsequent encounters - with the crude giants of Brobdingnag, the philosophical Houyhnhnms and brutish Yahoos - give Gulliver new, bitter insights into human behaviour.
Swift's hugely influential and savage satire of 1726 views mankind in a distorted hall of mirrors as a diminished, magnified and finally bestial species, presenting us with an uncompromising reflection of ourselves.