- PIASR575CDCD £ —Out of stockPIASR575LPLP £15.00Expected 17th September 2012
Dinosaur Jr
I Bet On Sky
Ever since reforming the original lineup back in 2005, Dinosaur Jr. have proven to be a huge exception to the rule that reunited bands can’t recapture the old magic. Back in the day, we always heard stories that these guys hated each other, but they’ve once again become a ridiculously consistent touring unit, and they’ve released two absolutely great albums that find them kicking right back into their inimitable old sound without missing a beat. And in September, they’ll return with a new one called I Bet On Sky.
1. Don't Pretend You Didn't Know
2. Watch The Corners
3. Almost Fare
4. Stick A Toe In
5. Rude
6. I Know It Oh So Well
7. Pierce The Morning Rain
8. What Was That
9. Recognition
10. See It On Your Side