Julia Holter
San Francisco-based label Human Ear dropped its first vinyl release ever yesterday: a limited edition 7" from Los Angeles composer Julia Holter, who used to co-direct the label with founder Jason Grier. Side A, "Maria," is a bizarre first missive from Holter's phonetic translations project, in which she "interprets global kitsch songs by translating word sounds into surreal poetry." Holter's archly melodramatic take on "Maria," a Latin-sounding ballad of unspecified origin, sounds like something one might sing to one's self in the shower, scored for a production of West Side Story dimensions. It'll leave you with all kinds of unanswered questions about what happens when we try to put ourselves in the shoes of "the other," whereas her grainy cover of Roxy Music's "2HB" on the flip, captured in a 2009 in-studio on KDVS, will probably just make you feel a little melancholy. --Emilie Friedlander, Altered Zones