Glaswegian musician Russell 'Rustie' Whyte's third album feels suitably instinctive and playful 'Evenifudontbelieve' features all the stuff that makes Rustie tick squealing prog guitar over huge rising synths turbo trance riffs over even quicker trap drums happy hardcore and overwhelming bursts of colour that are half bullet hell half Sexy Parodius It's an album about Big Catzzz Coral Castlez and Atlantean Airships and it never feels overthought or overproduced the stitches on these tracks are very much visible resulting in Rustie's most natural sounding record yet
1. Coral Lightzz (feat. Rustie)
2. First Mythz
3. Atlantean Airship
4. Eva (feat. Rustie)
5. Big Catzz
6. Peace Upzzz (feat. Rustie)
7. Your Goddezz
8. Coral Castlez
9. What U Mean (feat. Rustie)
10. Morning Starr (feat. Rustie)
11. Death Bliss
12. New Realm
13. Emerald Tabletz
14. Open Heartzz
15. 444Sure (feat. Rustie)
16. Jewel Key (Bonus Track)