- TRACD179CD £10.00Expected 1st April 2016
- TRA179Long Player £18.00Expected 1st April 2016
Bert Jansch
Birthday Blues
'Birthday Blues' is the sixth album by Bert Jansch, released in 1969. Recorded while still a member of Pentangle, and with the help of band mates Danny Thompson and Terry Cox, it is quite distinct from the sound of the band and has a very personal quality to it. It is clearly music that meant a lot to Jansch. The centrepiece of the album, the glue that binds it all together, is Jansch's amazing mastery of the guitar. Melodies and tune stream forth from his fingers with complex little twiddly bits that seem almost like ripples spreading across a pond and bouncing back to interact with each other. It's mesmerising to listen to. His voice, an imperfect instrument, is full of expression as he leads us through tales of despair, love, hope and life. As always with Jansch, the theme of death is never far away, but there is a lot of hope here, and a realisation of a full life to be led.
1. Come Sing Me a Happy Song to Prove We All Can Get Along the Lumpy, Bumpy, Long and Dusty Road
2. The Bright New Year
3. Tree Song
4. Poison
5. Miss Heather Rosemary Sewell
6. I've Got a Woman
7. A Woman Like You
8. I Am Lonely
9. Promised Land
10. Birthday Blues
11. Wishing Well
12. Blues