Sleigh Bells
Reign Of Terror
"Remember who you are!" hisses Alexis Krauss over a surge of crunchy heavy metal guitar in the final seconds of Reign Of Terror (out Feb. 21), Sleigh Bells' second album of heavy metal kitsch, pounding drum machines and post-pep rally cheerleading. Were we ever really worried Alexis and her varsity jacket sporting, Jackson guitar toting partner in crime Derek Miller would forget how to play M.I.A. meets early Judas Priest party music for Midwest college kids? Of course not—if anything, Reign Of Terror is an even noisier, more brutal take on the clearly defined aesthetic rules laid down on Treats: the guitars have to roar, the beats have to kick ass, and Alexis has to make a lot of racket on top.
01 “True Shred Guitar”
02 “Born to Lose”
03 “Crush”
04 “End of the Line”
05 “Leader of the Pack”
06 “Comeback Kid”
07 “Demons”
08 “Road to Hell”
09 “You Lost Me”
10 “Never Say Die”
11 “D.O.A.”