Zbigniew Preisner
Trois Couleurs Bleu, Blanc & Rouge
Zbigniew Preisner is a self-educated composer. He developed his notoriety as a movie composer due to his collaboration with Krysztof Kieslowski.
He also worked with Jean Becker (for « Elisa » César of Best Original Movie Soundtrack in 1996, « Rouge » also elected Best Original Movie Soundtrack in 1995), but in the same time Preisner worked with Thomas Vinterberg (« It’s All About Love) and with Claude Miller (« Un Secret »).
CD 1:
1. Song For The Unification Of Europe (Patrice's version)
2. Van Den Budenmayer - Funeral music (winds)
3. Julie - Glimpses of Burial
4. Reprise - First Appearance
5. The Battle of Carnival and Lent
6. Reprise - Julie with Olivier
7. Ellipsis 1
8. First Flute
9. Julie - in her new apartment
10. Reprise – Julie on the stairs
11. Second flute
12. Ellipsis 2
13. Van Den Budenmayer - Funeral music (organ)
14. Van Den Budenmayer - Funeral music (full orchestra)
15. The Battle of Carnival and Lent II
16. Reprise - flute (closing credits version)
17. Ellipsis 3
18. Olivier's theme – piano
19. Olivier and Julie - Trial composition
20. Olivier's theme – finale
21. Bolero - Trailer for “Red” filmCD 2:
1. The Beginning
2. The Court
3. Dominique tries to go home
4. A chat in the underground
5. Return to Poland
6. Home at last
7. On the Wisla
8. First job
9. Don't fall asleep
10. After the first transaction
11. Attempted murder
12. The party on the Wisla
13. Don Karol I
14. Phone call to Dominique
15. Funeral music
16. Don Karol II
17. Morning at the hotel
18. Dominique's arrest
19. Don Karol III
20. Dominique in prison
21. The endCD 3:
1. Miłosc od pierwszego wejrzenia (Love At First Sight) interprété par Zbigniew ZAMACHOWSKI
2. Fashion show I
3. Meeting the judge
4. The tapped conversation
5. Leaving the judge
6. Psychoanalysis
7. Today is my birthday
8. Do not take another man's wife I
9. Treason
10. Fashion show II
11. Conversation at the theatre
12. The rest of the conversation at the theatre
13. Do not take another man's wife II
14. Catastrophe
15. Finale